What the New Regulation Means for Landlords
The Electrical Safety Regulation came into force on the 1st of April 2021 which means all landlords are now required by law to have the electrical installations in their rented properties inspected and tested by a qualified and competent person, at an interval of every 5 years.
Any landlord who fails to conduct an EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) before a new tenancy commences faces a fine of up to £30,000. This is enforced by local authorities under the Housing Act 2004.
Landlords are also required by law to provide a copy of their safety report to their tenants and local authority if requested. If the report finds that remedial works are required, these must be completed or at the very least investigated within 28 days of the report being completed.
What is EICR Testing and who can complete it?
An EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) is electrical testing that thoroughly examines electrical wiring installations and systems.
The EICR should be completed by a qualified electrician or electrical engineer with sufficient training to ensure the testing is carried out safely.
What is the EICR testing procedure?
The first step of the EICR Testing procedure is a visual assessment. The engineer/electrician will be assessing the equipment to see if anything is clearly in need of repair or replacement. They will be looking for cracks or breaks or obvious signs of overheating. They would also be looking for older installations that no longer meet current regulations and will require updating/replacing.
The second step is disconnecting the electrical installation from the mains supply. Specific circuits will undergo dead testing to identify any loose or inadequately connected wiring. Live electrical testing will also be carried out to check if there are any faults in the system, this will identify if there are any components that are unsuitable to work as intended going forward.
Finally, the quality of earthing and bonding will be checked to ensure protection is sufficient. Examination of equipment such as switches, sockets, light fittings, and power outlets will also be completed.
How we can help you
As with any trade, you may come across electricians that are not qualified in carrying out EICR’s and by using them you could be putting your asset or business at risk.
It’s important to choose someone you trust to complete the EICR on your property. A good place to start is by using an electrician who is registered with an organisation that assesses the competency of businesses undertaking electrical works such as the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC).
You can also search on The Registered Competent Person – Electrical website which was officially launched in Parliament on 2nd July 2014 and aims to simplify the task of finding and checking a competent, registered electrician.
You will find Jenkins Electrical is registered with both organisations. Our electricians are fully qualified and trained in electrical testing. We are the people clients come to when their existing EICR has been completed incorrectly.
For more information or simply just advice on ensuring your property is compliant with the new regulations, please get in touch.